Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon


Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon



Dr. Dany Morais is keened to reassure all of his patient’s concerns regarding any surgery with the assistance of his remarkable team.

After obtaining his doctorate and dentistry in 1984 and his specialist’s certificate in oral and maxillofacial surgery in 1989, Dr. Dany Morais became a professor at the faculty of dentistry at Laval University, where he was responsible for the teaching in local anesthesia and oral and maxillofacial surgery for 23 years. He has participated in the training of more than 45 maxillofacial surgeons. In June 2013, he joined the Maxillovendôme clinic to pursue his professional career there. Dr. Morais holds the title of Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada.

Get to know Dr. Morais


  • The American Academy of Oral Pathology Award-1984
  • The American Academy of Oral Medicine Award- 1984
  • The Canadian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Award- 1984


  • Morais D. Apport de la piézochirurgie pour l’avancée des géniotubercules dans le syndrome d’apnées obstructives du sommeil. Rev Stomal Chir Maxillofac 2008;109 :375-378 Avril 2008.
  • Noreau G., Landry P.E., Morais D. Malformation artérioveineuse. Journal Association Dentaire Canadienne, Vol.67, No11 Décembre 2001.
  • Morais D. Toothaches that hide nasty surprises. The Canadian Journal of Diagnosis. Volume XIV, numéro 12, 87-92. Décembre 1997.

MaxilloVendome Implantology & Surgery Clinic

Our oral surgery practice consists of Dr. Michel El-Hakim, Dr. Katrina Kontaxis, Dr. Dany Morais and Dr. Nicholas Makhoul.

2 Locations to better serve you

Montreal | Chateauguay