It is very common for people to neglect frequent visits to the dentist because of the nervousness and anxiety it gives them. This way of acting is obviously a mistake that should not be made.
The longer you wait, the more likely your dental problems will get worse, making an appointment inevitable.
Let’s take a look at some of the common reasons why people have anxiety about visits to the dentist, and specifically about dental implants .
First, the fear of a visit to the dentist is often unjustified. Indeed, the anxiety that manifests itself in people is partly caused by the subconscious. For example, breathing in humans, the importance of keeping your airways clear. Panic is therefore a typical reaction when someone begins to drown. This same survival instinct is triggered by the dentist examining our teeth. This instinctive fear is systematically triggered by the different tools that are put in your mouth and by the fact that the dentist leans in to examine you more closely. You are breathing normally, but your subconscious is telling you otherwise! This is when your anxiety is triggered.
The often loud sound emitted by the equipment used is another common reason why people do not enjoy their visits to the dentist. For some people, the sound of a dental drill scares the hell out of them. Fortunately, it is easy to solve this problem, thanks to headphones or earplugs.
It will not affect your dental exam in any way if you want to wear headphones or put in earplugs to block out noises that add to your discomfort. Put on your favorite music and the visit will definitely be more pleasant.
On the other hand, implants induce anxiety most often because of the unfamiliarity of the procedure. You may have preconceived ideas about how long the procedure will take, when in reality replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant will only take about an hour.
One simple thing you can do to ease your fear and anxiety that will help you deal with these fears or any other fears you have about dental implants is to think positive thoughts.
It’s easy to let negative thoughts haunt us. This is exactly why, relaxing and unwinding will go a long way to reducing, if not dissipating, your anxiety.
Talk to your oral and maxillofacial surgeon at Maxillovendôme and ask him all your questions. You will understand that this is a very common intervention.
Remember, the Maxillovendôme team is here for you, your health and your well-being. Trust them and enjoy your new smile!