Chirurgien buccal et maxillo-facial


Chirurgien buccal et maxillo-facial



Le Dr Nicholas Makhoul et son équipe s’engagent à offrir à tous leurs patients de beaux sourires et une santé bucco-dentaire exemplaire.

Le Dr Nicholas Makhoul a obtenu son MSc avec mention de l’Université d’Alberta en biochimie, son MD de l’Université McGill et son MD de l’Université du Michigan. En outre, il a effectué son internat en chirurgie orale et maxillo-faciale ainsi qu’un fellowship en oncologie maxillo-faciale et en chirurgie microvasculaire à l’université du Michigan. Le Dr Makhoul est professeur adjoint et vice-doyen à la formation dentaire postdoctorale à l’Université McGill, ainsi que chef du département de dentisterie et de chirurgie buccale et maxillo-faciale du Centre universitaire de santé McGill.

Le Dr Makhoul est très impliqué dans le développement académique des futurs chirurgiens maxillo-faciaux par sa participation à l’enseignement des résidents ainsi que par sa collaboration à plusieurs projets de recherche dans différents domaines de la santé bucco-dentaire. Il est examinateur pour le Collège royal des dentistes du Canada et détient le titre de Diplomate de l’American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery et de Fellow de l’American College of Surgeons. Il a donné des conférences internationales sur des sujets allant des antibiotiques utilisés en dentisterie à la reconstruction faciale.

Apprenez à mieux connaître le Dr Makhoul


  • Osteoscience Foundation Peter Geistlich Research Award – 2019
  • Réseau de recherche en santé buccodentaire et osseuse (RSBO) Research Award – 2016
  • CJ Lyons Research Award – 2014
  • Canadian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Research Award – 2014
  • American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Abstract Award – 2008
  • Order of Dentists of Quebec Award – 2005
  • Dr. J.K. Carver Award – 2005
  • Dr. James McCutcheon Gold Medal in Leadership, Scholarship and Professionalism – 2005
  • American Association of Oral Biologists – 2005
  • American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Award – 2005
  • International College of Dentists (Canadian Section) Scholarship – 2004
  • William Boroff Scholarship, McGill University – 2004
  • Dr. Leanore K. Feine Prize Faculty of Dentistry McGill University
  • CIHR Health Professional Student Research Award – 2003
  • Deans Honour List Faculty of Dentistry McGill University – 2001- 2005
  • Heritage Medical Research Fund (CIHR) Scholarship – 2001
  • Robert Tegler Undergraduate Scholarship in Science – 2000
    Frederick A Scherrer Scholarship in Science – 1999


  • Makhoul NM, Ward, BB. 2012
    Clinical Correlates: Osteoradionecrosis of the Jaw (ORN) in
    Mineralized Tissues in Oral and Craniofacial Science.
    Editors: McCauley, Somerman, Wiley Publishing (343-349)
  • Bonin G, Makhoul NM. 2015
    The Latissimus Dorsi Free Flap in
    Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
    Editors: Kademani, Tiwana. Elsevier Publishing
    Chapter 113 (113.1-113.9)
  • Makhoul NM, Ward BB. 2015 Oral Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment in
    Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Knowledge Updates.
    Editor: Brian Schmidt. AAOMS
  • Makhoul N, Zussman E, Zhang W, Srouji S, Feinberg S 2008
  • Development of a Microcapillary System for Tissue Engineering
    Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2008;66(8) 45-46
  • Makhoul N, Ward, BB, Helman, JI, Edwards, SP 2011
    Preoperative evaluation of lower extremities prior to Fibular
    Flap Transfer.
    Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2011;69(9) 106-107
  • Woong N, Makhoul N, Ward B, Helman JI, Edwards SP. 2012
    Virtual Surgical Planning and Stereolithography-Guided
    Osteotomy for 3 Dimensional Mandibular Reconstruction
    with Fibula Flaps: A Case Report
    Korean Association of Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2012;34(5):337-342
  • Gigliotti J, El-Hakim M, Alghamdi O, Makhoul N. 2015
    Central Giant Cell Granuloma of the Mandibular Condyle:
    A Case Report, Literature Review and Discussion of Treatment
    Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases 2015; 1(3) 42-46
  • Gigliotti J, Makhoul N. 2015
    Demographics, Training Satisfaction, and Career Plans of
    Canadian Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residents
    Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015 Dec;44(12):1574-80.
  • Laurenti M, Al Subaie A, Abdallah M, Cortes A, Ackerman J, 2016
    Vali H, Basu K, Zhang Y L, Murshed M, Strandman S, Zhu J,
    Makhoul N, Barralet J, Tamimi F.
    Two-Dimensional Magnesium Phosphate Nanosheets Form Highly Thixotropic Gels That Up-Regulate Bone Formation
    Nano Lett., 2016, 16 (8), pp 4779–4787
  • Al-Subaie A, Laurenti M, Abdallah M, Tamimi I, Yaghoubi F, 2016
    Eimar H, Makhoul N, Tamimi F.
    Propranolol Enhances Bone Healing and Implant
    Osseointegration in rats’ tibiae
    Journal of Clinical Periodontics Accepted manuscript
  • Davis L, Zeitouni A, Makhoul N, Steinmetz O. 2016
    Surgical Exposure to Control the Distal Internal Carotid Artery at the Base of the Skull during Aneurysm Repair
    Annals of Vascular Surgery July 2016 34: 268-268
  • Gigliotti J, Cheung G, Suhyam O, Agnihotram A, Makhoul N.
    Nasotracheal Intubation: The Preferred Airway in Oral 2018
    Cavity Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery?
    J Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, 2018 vol. 76 (10) pp. 2231-2240
  • de Souza R, Bedos C, Esfandiari S, Makhoul N, 2018
    Dagdeviren D, Abi Nader S, Jabbar A, Feine J
    Single-implant overdentures retained by the Novaloc
    attachment system: study protocol for a mixed-methods
    randomized cross-over trial.
    de Souza et al. Trials (2018) 19:243
  • Chu T, Makhoul N, D Silva 2018
    Should Live Patient Licensing Examinations
    in Dentistry Be Discontinued? Two Viewpoints
    Journal of Dental Education Volume 82, Number 3
  • Bioinorganic Angiogenesis 2018
    Sophie Maillard, Baptiste Charbonnier, Omaer Sayed, Aslan Baradaran,
    Harshdeep Manga, Benjamin Dallison, Zishuai Zhang, Yu Ling Zhang,
    Sabah N.A. Hussain, Dominique Mayaki, Hermann Seitz, Edward J. Harvey,
    Mirko Gilardino, Uwe Gbureck, Nicholas Makhoul, Jake Barralet
    BioRxIv Online
  • J. Gigliotti, S. Madathil, N. Makhoul, 2019
    Delays in oral cavity cancer,
    International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Online
  • Charbonnier, B., Baradaran, A., Sato, D., Alghamdi, 2019
    O., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Y.‐L., Gbureck, U., Gilardino,
    M., Harvey, E., Makhoul, N., Barralet, J.,
    Material‐Induced Venosome‐Supported Bone Tubes.
    Adv. Sci. 2019, 1900844.
  • Haider Abo Sharkh, Sreenath Madathil, Osama Al-Ghamdi, 2019
    Ramanakumar V. Agnihotram, Avinash Sinha,
    Michel El-Hakim, Belinda Nicolau, Nicholas Makhoul,
    A Comprehensive Clinical Care Pathway for Microvascular
    Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgery,
    Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Online