

Maxillofacial Radiology

Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)

Our 3D scans are taken with a Vatech Pax-Reve cone beam CT Scanner. Our machine has a free field of view (FOV) that allows scanning volumes as small as 5cmx5cm and as large as 15cmx15cm with every FOV size in between. Research has shown that small FOVs are generally associated with smaller radiation doses than large FOVs. This is the reason why we use the smallest FOV compatible with the examination needed. The 5cmx5cm FOV is useful for a single tooth implant site assessment. With a Voxel size of 80μm, the resolution of the 5cmx5cm FOV is excellent.

The scan is only taken at your consultation appointment; it is not interpreted by a radiologist, but an image for diagnostic purposes.

MaxilloVendome Implantology & Surgery Clinic

Our oral surgery practice consists of Dr. Michel El-Hakim, Dr. Katrina Kontaxis, Dr. Dany Morais and Dr. Nicholas Makhoul.

2 Locations to better serve you

Montreal | Chateauguay