The extraction of a tooth has become a routine procedure for most people with dental problems. When a tooth is unable to be saved, and removal is the best option, it’s not always as simple as just removing the tooth and then packing the hole left behind so your body’s natural healing processes can repair the damage to your gum.
Additional measures must be taken sometimes by your oral and maxillofacial surgeon to not only promote fast and complete healing but also to prevent future problems from occurring. One of those measures is socket preservation.
Many times, socket preservation isn’t necessary. After the removal of the tooth, your body does indeed heal properly. However, there are potential problems that your dental professional may see that leads him or her performing socket preservation.
If your oral surgeon suspects that your gums may heal in such a way as to lead to the deformation of the socket that held your tooth, you will most likely be recommended for socket preservation. During the healing process, that socket can become deformed. If this happens, it will make dental implants more difficult if you decide to replace your tooth in the future.
Also, when a tooth is removed, the bone underneath the socket can begin to deteriorate. If this isn’t prevented or addressed at the time of extraction, it could lead to another surgical procedure months or years later, an unnecessary inconvenience and expense.
Socket preservation is usually performed with a bone graft. This is often done with a synthetic material designed specifically for this purpose. It can also be performed with human or animal bone. The new bone or material is attached to the jaw bone below the location of the socket. Once it’s had time to heal, it will allow new bone to grow, strengthening your jaw and preventing problems.
Socket preservation can prevent more trips to the oral surgeon in the future by eliminating issues before they occur. In addition to the possibility of interfering with neighboring teeth later, this will also help keep the teeth you have left in their proper positions.
The mouth is a very intricate area that has a very loose similarity to a house of cards. Each tooth and root depend on the support of the surrounding teeth. If one of those teeth is removed, the neighboring teeth have less support. This can lead to your remaining teeth drifting from their usual positions. When your teeth begin to spread apart due to the additional room in your mouth, this leads to even more problems.
At Maxillovendôme, your oral and maxillofacial surgeon will recommend socket preservation as part of an extraction if the procedure is necessary for you. Each patient is different, so receiving advice tailored to your needs is the best step in determining what is best for you.